Terms & Conditions

Things to know before you go: The purchase of packages, air only or tours (hereinafter referred to as the “Travel Services”) offered by IMPERIAL MOROCCO constitutes a contractual agreement between IMPERIAL MOROCCO and the customer and implies your acceptance of IMPERIAL MOROCCO terms and conditions. Please ensure you read carefully and understand these terms and conditions prior to booking.
Prices are quoted per person based on double, single or occupancy, in USA dollars (USD), unless otherwise indicated, and are based upon the prices of service providers, exchange rate, cost of fuel, taxes and other fees in force at this time. All prices are valid upon date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Unless the customer has paid in full, all prices may be increased at any time and for any reason. Where there is an increase in the total price of the travel services after a deposit has been paid and the cumulative increase, except any increase resulting from an increase in retail sales tax on federal goods and services tax, is more than 7 per cent, the customer has the right to cancel the contract and obtain full refund.
Price Inclusions

Services included in the price are disclosed in each tour.

Accommodation: Wherever possible we include prices for twin/double, single and triple bedded rooms with private bath or shower.

Meals: Meals, when provided, are indicated in the itinerary.

Guide: Where required we provide a Professional English-speaking or Spanish-speaking local guide(s). Other languages are available upon request.

Sightseeing & Entrance Fees: By motor coach, boat or car and entrance fees as per itinerary.

Services Charges & Taxes: All taxes* charged by local governments on services, which are part of the program, are included except those imposed by airport authorities (Navigation fees, airport improvement, other related taxes/fees, North-American Air Travelers Security Charge, Airline insurance fee, etc.). * Israeli citizens are subject to VAT (Value Added Tax) payable directly to hotels, car rental services, etc. when in Israel.
Not Included

Airfare: Domestic or international airfares are not included unless specifically indicated in the itinerary.

Personal expenses: Telephone and data port charges at some hotels, meals and drinks, unless otherwise specified in the itinerary.

Tips: To guide(s), driver(s) and hotel personnel.
Payment Conditions
A non-refundable deposit of US $250 per person is required at time of booking for land packages or $350 for air & land packages. IMPERIAL MOROCCO must receive final payment 60 days prior to departure. For bookings made within 60 days of departure, full payment is due.
Reservations are strictly personal and must be accompanied by a deposit or payment in full before they can be considered confirmed.
Final Payment
Final payment must be received by IMPERIAL MOROCCO 60 days prior to departure date. Reservations made less than 60 days prior departure date must be accompanied by payment in full. If final payment is not received within the required period, IMPERIAL MOROCCO reserves the right to cancel any such reservations without prior notice and levy applicable cancellation fees.
Payment by Credit Card
Verbal authorization given by the customers to IMPERIAL MOROCCO for the use of a credit card confirms the reservation, whether or not the registration forms is signed. However customers must stipulate in writing that the credit card may be used without their signature within 7 days.
Charges for Changes
Any changes to a reservation will be subject to a US $50.00 change fee outside of 60 days of departure. Within 60 days of departure cancellation penalties may also apply.
Change in the room occupancy: If any change made by one or more customers alters the basis of room occupancy, rates will be adjusted to reflect true room occupancy status. Change in customer’s name: Changes of customer names up to 3 letters are free. Other changes will be charged a $50 fee.
Name changes of more than one letter are not allowed in airline reservations.
Changes made subsequent to departure date: Charges will apply for any changes in customer reservations (subject to availability) subsequent to the departure date.
Cancellation Charges
Charges will apply in the event of any cancellation. Subsequent to departure services either cancelled or unused will not be refunded. Insurance premiums are non-refundable, in whole or in part, whether cancelled before or after the departure date. The day of departure is excluded when calculating cancellation or change fees. All cancellation fees must be calculated based on the total amount of the products and travel services purchased. IMPERIAL MOROCCO reserves the right to cancel a booking where any payment is not received by its due date (60 day prior to departure).
Cancellation before Departure Date: The following fee schedule will apply if cancellation is necessary. Please advise IMPERIAL MOROCCO in writing.

Cancellation fees:
Up to 60 days prior ………………. $100.00 penalty**

59 to 30 days prior ……………….. 50% of tour cost**

29 to 15 days prior ……………….. 75% of tour cost**

14 days prior to departure ……… 100% non-refundable.

Plus any unrecoverable deposits paid to airlines or suppliers. If the traveller makes another booking within 12 months of the original booking the deposit or payment retained minus an administrative fee of $50 and the unrecoverable deposits paid to airlines or suppliers will be applied as deposit to the new booking. No refunds will be made for any unused portion of an itinerary including hotels, sightseeing, cruises, transfers, meals, international or domestic flights with or without notice unless cancelled or missed by the supplier.

Validity of Tickets/Vouchers

Vouchers are made out in the name of the customer and are not transferable. These documents are valid only on the dates and for the services indicated. Unused portions of vouchers may not be used for other services and are not subject to refund at any time.


Limits: Air carriers have individual rules and regulations with respect to baggage weight, size and number. Customers must consult with the airline for applicable restrictions.

Liability: The provisions of the Hague and Warsaw Conventions or the Montreal Convention, as the case may be, the applicable tariffs of the air carrier, as well as notices related to the passenger ticket and baggage check, govern the loss of and damage to baggage and establish the limits of air carrier’s liability. Baggage lost or damaged while boarding or disembarking a ship must be reported to the Purser’s once prior to the ship’s departure from port or prior to leaving the local customs area. Passengers’ baggage and property are transported, stored and handled at owner’s risk at all times.

Travel Documents

It is the full responsibility of customers to obtain at their own expense all necessary travel documents required by all relevant government authorities, including airports, all ports of call or border check-points, and to comply with the laws thereof. Passports will be required for all air and sea travel to or from all destinations and may have to be valid for six months beyond the date of the expected return to USA/Canada. USA/Canadian citizens born in certain countries may require a visa in addition to a valid passport. A permanent resident card will be required for permanent residents/landed immigrants who are not USA/Canadian citizens. One (1) parent traveling with a child under the age of 18 may have to obtain a notarized letter of consent signed by the parent not traveling. Customers are responsible for checking which documents are required, and then make certain that they have the necessary documents in hand prior to departure. The carrier or relevant authorities, without further recourse or the possibility of a refund, may deny customers boarding privileges failing to provide the required documents. Entry to another country may also be refused even if the required information and travel documents are complete. No refund or replacement will be given for lost or stolen travel documents. IMPERIAL MOROCCO shall not be liable for any aid or information given by its employees or the travel agent in connection with obtaining any necessary travel documents or complying with any laws, whether given orally, in writing or otherwise, or for the consequences suffered by any customer resulting from his/her failure to obtain such documents or to comply with such laws.

Customer Advisory

Some events are part of normal unpleasant occurrences, which can happen when traveling abroad. The customer realizes this, solely assumes the consequences thereof and agrees that IMPERIAL MOROCCO cannot be held responsible for any damages owing to such occurrences.

Living Standards: Customers are asked to bear in mind and accept that living standards and practices at the destination, and the conditions there, with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodations, may differ from those found in USA and Canada. Service disruptions: Some services including water, electricity, air-conditioning, security, sanitary conditions, pools, food, beverages and other services or benefits may be suspended or interrupted partially or completely during the customer’s stay. Likewise, depending on the occupancy rate of hotels, a-Ia-carte dining may be replaced by buffet or vice-versa.

Food, water and beverages: The food, water and beverages may not be up to USA/Canadian standards. Accordingly, customers assume sole responsibility for any illness suffered while abroad or upon return owing to the quality of the food, water and beverages.

Room Allocation

Hoteliers are solely responsible for room allocation, in accordance with the category reserved by customers. Should customers choose to alter their room category upon arrival at destination (upon availability), they must make their own arrangements with the hotelier and assume all additional fees levied by them. Conversely, voluntary or involuntary downgrades must be settled locally as IMPERIAL MOROCCO will make no refunds.

Check-in and Checkout

Customers acknowledge and accept that hoteliers, in accordance with international standards, request that occupants check in between noon and 3 PM and check out by noon or earlier on the scheduled day of departure or by noon on the day immediately preceding a late night departure.

Customers Requiring Assistance

All customers requiring special care, assistance, attention or treatment must advise IMPERIAL MOROCCO and the air carrier of any and all specific needs at the time of booking, in order to arrange air transportation, hotel and tour accommodations.

Changes to Travel Services

If confirmed goods or travel services are no longer available prior to the departure date or subsequent to arrival at destination, IMPERIAL MOROCCO reserves the right to substitute

them for comparable goods or travel services or, alternatively, cancel them.

Changes to a coach tour Itinerary: IMPERIAL MOROCCO and the participating coach tour operator reserve the right to cancel, alter or reschedule any timing, to omit one or more stops, to substitute alternative itineraries or to otherwise amend the coach tour content of these holidays including substituting alternative transportation that better fits the needs of the tour, with or without prior notice to the passenger.

Customer Responsibility

Health: Customers, whose physical condition so requires, must ensure that they have a suffcient quantity of any required medication with them, and that they carry such medication in their hand baggage at all times. Customers must also consult competent medical authorities prior to departure about preventive medical measure as regards to the countries to be visited. Activities: IMPERIAL MOROCCO cannot be held responsible for any accident or mishap occurring at the destination during the practice of activities in which the customers participate of their own free will and initiative.

Force Majeure

IMPERIAL MOROCCO shall not be liable for failure in the performance of any of its obligations, including without limitation, for any loss or damage resulting from any delay, cancellation, loss of personal belongings, illness, bodily injury, accident, death, deterioration of Travel Services, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, disappointment or frustration, either mental or physical, due to:

  • An Act of God or Force Majeure;
  • A war, revolution, insurrection, riot, blockage or any other unlawful act against public order or authority, including an act of terrorism or threat thereof;
  • Fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, epidemics, quarantine, storm, lightning, tornado or adverse weather conditions generally;
  • Accident to or failure of an aircraft or equipment used in connection therewith, loss of or hijacking of an aircraft, or any shortage of or inability to provide labor, fuel or facilities;
  • Any strike, lock-out, labor dispute or other industrial disturbance whether involving IMPERIAL MOROCCO employees, the employees of its service providers or others upon whom IMPERIAL MOROCCO relies;
  • Any government order, regulation, action or inaction or any failure to obtain the approval of a government authority having jurisdiction in the circumstances as may be required to the conduct of operations hereunder or any government or legal restraint upon such operation;
  • Others upon whom IMPERIAL MOROCCO relies for the performance of the whole or any part of any travel services hereunder;
  • Any other causes beyond the reasonable control of IMPERIAL MOROCCO and any other event not reasonably to be foreseen, anticipated or predicted, whether actual, threatened or reported, which may interfere with the operations of IMPERIAL MOROCCO or of its service providers.
    Exclusion of Liability
    IMPERIAL MOROCCO makes arrangements with air carriers, hotels, car rental companies,

ship, transfer and ground operators and other independent parties to provide customers with travel services they purchase. Although IMPERIAL MOROCCO takes great care in selecting these service providers, it does not have any control over them and cannot be held responsible for their omissions, faults or negligence, or that of their employees, nor for any loss or damages suffered as a result thereof. Travel services provided are subject to the conditions imposed by the service providers and their liability is limited by their tariffs, conditions of carriage, tickets, vouchers, international conventions and agreements.
Activities not included
IMPERIAL MOROCCO shall not be liable for the quality or safety of activities (such as excursions, optional tours, little extras and others) available at destination that customers may wish to participate in and which are not included in the package, nor for any other representation made by the operator of any such activities. Any written or oral contract for all such activities shall be deemed to be made between customers and the operator of such activities and shall be undertaken at the customers’ own risk of loss, damage or injury. IMPERIAL MOROCCO shall not be liable in any manner for any complaints or claims that may arise as a result of participation in any such activities, which are offered by third parties over whom IMPERIAL MOROCCO has no control.
At time of deposit, customers may purchase travel insurance. IMPERIAL MOROCCO offers comprehensive travel insurance via the phone and strongly recommends that all travelers either take advantage of this option or procure themselves some form of insurance independently.
IMPERIAL MOROCCO strictly complies with principles of confidentiality with respect to customers’ personal information, including in accordance with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.
The laws of the State of New York govern this agreement. Any legal action instituted against IMPERIAL MOROCCO must be heard before the courts of that state. For the purposes of any such proceedings, the parties hereby agree to elect domicile in the Borough of Manhattan, New York. The voiding of one or other of the clauses hereto shall neither void nor invalidate the unaffected clauses or this agreement, which is known as the Tour Conditions.

These conditions were updated on August 2024